Bully Plays the Victim Card—AGAIN.

You have to marvel at the unmitigated gall.

This, by the way, is apparently the offensive image in question.

But this isn’t the first or only image David has posted that can be traced back to his workplace. Here are a few examples.

So he’s verbally combative toward his co-workers and posts shit about them and the workplace on his social media accounts, likely on company computers by the looks of it, which means his boss can easily view his online activities as they took place at work on company time, but he’s bitching about having been fired and wants to sue for discrimination.

Like I said, the unmitigated gall on display here is something at which to marvel. Here are some more examples of David’s abusive behavior online:

Where do I begin?

Okay, look, I’m no saint when it comes to throwing right-wingers’ dishonest abusive bullshit back in their faces. I make it a point to give as good as I get.

Nor do I necessarily like that employers feel at liberty to spy on employees’ social media accounts in order to look for anything and everything that might reflect poorly on the company, especially if said company is doing things it oughtn’t (e.g., illegal dumping of toxic substances) or otherwise promoting a workplace culture of harassment and abuse.

Having said all this, I don’t go out of my way to start shit with people and I sure as hell don’t go reporting their posts just to silence them because I don’t like what they have to say. Freedom of speech applies to everyone or it applies to no one. Typically when I report a social media post, it’s because the poster is inciting violence or engaging in some other blatantly unlawful activity with the express intention of causing physical harm to others. And I also understand the employers’ desire to protect the company’s reputation. Employees can and sometimes do lie or exaggerate what goes on at work, just because they’re lazy or willfully stupid workers and are simply bitching because they don’t like taking the consequences for their actions.

David took this job knowing whom he was working with. As always, he chose to be combative and start arguments with his co-workers, and he chose to post images and references to his workplace knowing full well it could come back on him. If this was an isolated incident, that would be one thing, but it’s part of a long pattern of abusive behavior on his part that leads to his termination.

There ARE ways to voice discontent with co-workers and employers so as to minimize the risk of being caught. For instance, David can make his posts visible only to those on his friends lists, or certain groups of friends he can trust not to go blabbing to his boss. He can make his posts visible only to himself. He can keep his damned opinions to himself or simply choose not to go on the attack in the first place. David delights in going out of his way to look for trouble to get into, and the moment he gets his poor widdle fee-fees all butt-hurt—especially by someone in a position to stand up to his incessant bullying—he then proceeds to whine and play the victim card, before launching his usual childish crusades to punish any and all who dare defy him.

But no, David thinks he has unfettered right to attack people and not suffer any consequences for doing so. He thinks he’s above the rules of society. What’s laughable about all this is that any attorney worth his or her salt will explain to him that Ohio being an at-will state, his employer has full liberty to fire people for any or no reason at all, and because David has been caught on more than one occasion posting things on social media that violate company policy and reflect poorly on the company, his ex-boss had every legal right to terminate his employment. He has no legal case—period. In that regard, he’s got about as much legal standing as a certain troll who impersonated a police department just to have his fun at public expense, and now wants the taxpayers to foot the bill for his childish antics.

In the meantime, his husband has to work full time to support himself, his spouse, and their pets, only to be subjected to abuse at home and on social media, and be lectured about how he spends his hard-earned money. At some point David’s husband is going to wake up and realize that his marriage to that degenerate isn’t worth putting up with his toxic, narcissistic, verbally and physically abusive behavior, and divorce his bitch ass. When, not if, that day comes, David’s up Shit Creek without a paddle, and he won’t have anyone else to leech off of.

It’s pathetic and sad.

Patterns of Insanity

So yeah, I happened on this on Twitter.

Now, David, you don’t suppose maybe the reason for your troubles at work might have anything to do with crap like this, do you?

Or, perhaps, this?

Your unfortunate readers only have your highly dubious word about these co-workers and CUSTOMERS being racist. But even assuming you’re telling the truth, starting arguments with customers and co-workers alike, no matter how douche-baggy they may or may not be, is probably why you’re facing problems at work and why you’re about to lose yet another job. For all you and your two little friends keep harping on me for my employment troubles, I at least have the excuse that the jobs I’ve taken over the past few years were temporary or seasonal and therefore had shelf lives with expiration dates. You, on the other hand, are combative and abusive toward others as a matter of habit. No one is under any obligation to put up with your incessant bullshit.

And this is not the first time you’ve gotten yourself fired for being abusive toward your co-workers.

This was not long after he’d gotten himself a job at the Art Museum. He was fired soon after. Coincidental, I’m sure…actually, probably not.

Riiiight, not your fault you were fired, Davey-boy. It’s always someone else’s fault you can’t hold down a job. It can’t possibly be your inability to get along with your co-workers, your supervisors, and the customers and clients of the places you get oh-so-briefly hired. It MUST be something else. I’m sure you’ll probably find a way to blame me, as usual.

Now, again, maybe these people really are racist. I don’t know. It’s difficult to say since we only have the word of a proven liar to go on. David only tells that side and interpretation of any given story that makes him look like the poor put-upon victim. He does this in a shameless effort to gain sympathy. His mother does this all the time, too. I remember back in the early 90s, the hag took a job cleaning at a veterinarian’s clinic and regularly started confrontations with her employer. She once described—boasted, really—how she’d shoved a wet mop head in his face so he could smell how filthy it was, simply because she didn’t like how supposedly infrequently the mop heads were changed out. Uh, stupid, you were mopping up animal urine as your job. Naturally it’s going to stink, even after one use. That’s why you’re supposed to properly wash, rinse, and dry the equipment afterward.

So yeah, clearly there’s a pattern of abuse, and then when people refuse to put up with it, behave like the victim and hide behind mental illness as the all-purpose excuse.

But it’s all just pretense in the end, isn’t it Davey-boy? You’re crazy, yes, for different reasons than you claim. You’re narcissistic, verbally and physically abusive, and psychotic. I know, I’ve seen the medicines you’ve been prescribed over the years and I know what mental derangements they’re used to treat. Here’s an idea: start taking your anti-psychotic meds again and maybe you won’t be quite so likely to start fights with everybody that result in you getting fired from job after job. It might also help your marriage.

Your insanity is treatable, David. That you refuse to get treatment is your choice, and no one else’s.

The Truth Hurts

Thinking more on my last entry, I am simply amazed at the utter, shameless hypocrisy Little Boy Oskar displays. He wastes his sad, pathetic existence making fun of others, throwing temper tantrums whenever someone tells him NO, and then sets off on years-long vendettas stalking, harassing, and lying about those who dare defy him by standing up to his childish bullying.

I mean, really, it’s hilarious when one thinks about it. He went too far with his little-boy pranks, got himself arrested for impersonating not just a police officer, but an entire police department. He lucked out by finding a jury gullible enough to believe his whiny tirade about First Amendment rights, but the fact is he broke the law and could very easily have gone to prison for a while. Months, maybe years.

Now, a sane person might have counted his blessings, learned an important lesson—one can go too far in playing childish pranks, and end up suffering the consequences—grown up a little, realized maybe he’d better ease up or grow up and give up entirely on his sick little hobby, and move on with his existence.

But not little boy Anthony. No, instead of growing, learning, and maturing, he got even cockier and decided to take the city of Parma to court—a city he’s relentlessly mocked in his seemingly endless train of pointless vendettas that have long outlived whatever purpose they might initially have had.

Now, I should remind the reader that this is the same boy who has wasted the past five years trying to shame me for using GoFundMe to ask for help during times of trouble. His legal fees and other troubles are ones he incurred himself. He didn’t have to sue Parma. He could have grown up, taken the hint about how fortunate he really is not to be in jail right now, and let the matter rest.

But not Anthony Novak. Oh no. In his diseased mind, the city of Parma committed the cardinal sin of standing up to his bullying, therefore they MUST be punished. None may ever dare defy him. Such is the warped mentality of your average textbook narcissist and psychotic.

But instead of manning up and paying his own legal fees, he expects other people to do it for him. Oh he can lie and say he was begging for money to cover his living expenses and not his lawyer’s services, but supposedly this boy has a steady job. He shouldn’t expect people to bail him out financially from a mess of his own making, not if he wants anyone to think he is at all consistent in the standards he applies. But he isn’t consistent, is he? He holds himself to a far lower standard than he holds everyone else to, including entire municipalities.

And who ultimately ends up paying for this boy’s sick indulgences?

Parma taxpayers.

The people he’s bilked out of their money to pay expenses he should be paying himself. If he can’t afford to live and sue the city the laws of which he broke, then he needs to rethink whether suing is worth it.

But that would require a conscience. Little Boy Anthony has none.

So, even as he hypocritically begs others to bail him out of a predicament he put himself into with his bad decisions in “life”, he goes on the warpath against people like me who fell on hard times and went to the last resort of asking for help.

Never mind that I’ve paid back people who loaned me money. It took a while given my income, but I did it. It was the proper and ethical thing to do. Those who gave and told me to simply pay it forward, and focus on getting stable work, I’m doing just that. I’m doing constructive things with my life that some choose to ignore because it hurts their depraved, obsessive narrative about someone they despise for nothing more than not taking their shit.

And then, of course, there’s the endless projection of their own pathologies onto the targets of their hatred. A psychiatrist could probably write whole books on the topic of a tiny circle of eternal children who have wasted literally years of their existences hounding me online, lying about me, subscribing to my blog and other social media all in an effort to get what they think is dirt on me so they can twist it to suit their insane agenda.

So, at the end of the day, who’s really pathetic? The guy who’s been struggling to get his life back on track and making honest efforts, or the little kids who will never be adults whose existences revolve, it seems, almost exclusively around little old me?

Just something to think about.

Of Hypocritical Pathetic Losers and Men

Well isn’t THIS rich: After spending literally YEARS hounding me online attacking me for asking for donations to help me with expenses, it turns out that Anthony HD Novak is, as always, the biggest fucking hypocrite.


Yes, the craven little bitch who impersonated an entire police department and got himself arrested, who regularly bashes me for asking people for help, has been conning others out of their money to pay for his legal expenses—expenses he incurred for himself by breaking the law. He lucked out and managed to weasel his way out of a conviction and is now pursuing a frivolous lawsuit against the Parma Police Department for daring to punish him for crossing the line. But the truth remains: he is a massive hypocrite on top of being a major league douchebag.

The boy has since removed his fund-raiser from view, but the fact is he made it, and it speaks volumes about what a pathetic loser he is and always has been. Like his buddy Rick Mullenax, his entire sad existence revolves around making fun of others and ripping on them for perceived failures in life. They have nothing else going for them. Their every waking minute is wasted obsessing over the actions and decisions of people over whom they have no authority or power.

Some children choose never to grow up. They’re living, breathing iterations of Günter Grass’ protagonist in The Tin Drum, but without any justification. Oskar Matzerath at least had some excuses for his refusal to mature in any way.

These knuckleheads don’t get to rip on anyone who asks for help ever again, not unless they want to be called out for the hypocritical losers they really are.

Thoughts on Mortality

Last Friday, someone who attended the same college I did passed away from brain cancer. He was only a year older than I am. We were friends on Facebook, and his struggles battling the disease were an inspiration to me. Yesterday evening was the life celebration. I went and paid my respects, since we were both in the film program at Cleveland State, and then left before wearing out my welcome. I didn’t want to intrude too much into what was meant for family and close friends.

But this, with Aunt Mary’s liver disease that may kill her before summer is out, really has me thinking about death. Looking at my former college-mate’s battle with cancer, I was inspired to keep going, because life is too short to waste it afraid of pursuing one’s goals. We’re only here for a precious short time, and if any of us want to leave a mark on the world, we have to try. There’s no point living if all one does is merely survive.

So, I will continue to take this lesson to heart.

Full Circle

It’s funny sometimes how life works out. Ten years ago I was working as an AmeriCorps VISTA with a local non-profit, and now I find myself back doing it again with another organization. I’ll be researching and writing grants primarily starting tomorrow.

I can’t say I’m not nervous about this. It’s another new start and that’s always somewhat daunting at the beginning, but that’s just another breaking-in period to experience, and I find I’m up to the challenge. I’ll also be going through some other transitions as this strange journey called life takes me on yet more turns both expected and unexpected, and I’ll blog about those later. But for now, another new chapter in my life is opening.

Wish me luck!

Finally, a Pay-Off?

Wow, did the Falcons choke or what? So-called patriots probably cheated as always, too, but the Falcons really folded in the last half like cheap lawn chairs. Dang. Oh well.

Anyway, a couple of developments. Last week I took photos for a campus event for which my compensation was a chess set I’ve had my eye on. Hey, it’s a campus organization; they don’t have all that much in terms of funding. So I’ll gladly take what I’m offered and it helps get my name out there as a reliable event photographer. Plus, as I left, one of the club organizers offered to pay me for an upcoming event next month. Probably won’t be much, but it’s the break I’ve been waiting for since I started my photography over a year ago. And I’m getting opportunities to shoot models and other events, too!

I’m also raising money for an urban wildlife photography project I’ve been turning over in my head for a while now. In the last six years I’ve been seeing a lot more wildlife—deer, red tailed hawks, kestrels, and other critters formerly confined to the parks—popping up more and more in people’s yards, including my old neighborhood. This is the result of urban sprawl that has left wild animals with nowhere else to go except where they used to be, only the developments are still here. How are they affected? How are people coping? Who’s documenting this new reality? Well, if no one else is, then I want to. But being gored to death by antlers, hooves, or both, or scaring off creatures, is not something I want, so I’m raising funds for a decent telephoto zoom lens. Adding that to my lens inventory would go a long way toward helping me build my wildlife and sports portfolios, and I’m offering prints and CDs of the finished work once it’s completed.

But the real money is in events, so a good telephoto lens for sports events like Browns and Indians games is essential. For weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and religious coming-of-age, I can use my portrait lens and save up for a good wide-angle lens. I’m applying for a small business grant, and with luck and some awesome grant-writing, who knows?

But I’m finally starting to receive compensation for my photography work. I just need to keep at it and keep proving myself.