
So yeah, last night as I was waiting for the bus as I returned from a church potluck dinner, a couple of teenage punks ran up and whacked the back of my head from behind as they passed by. There wasn’t much in the way of damage—a few small cuts, only one of which required a single staple to close up, and bloodied clothes especially my late dad’s spring jacket—but this is annoying as all hell. Now I have to figure out how I’m gonna pay for dry cleaning for Dad’s jacket.

And it seems I’m not the first, and probably not the last, person they did this to last night. As I was waiting in the E.R. to get the staple put in, the doctor and nurses informed me that there were others in the E.R. who’d received similar injuries from persons fitting the same description.

I made a statement to the police and hope to hear back, but it’s sad that teenagers are so devoid of discipline and empathy in this country. I blame bad parenting and a sick, depraved society that encourages such behavior.

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